20 Newsgroup data - Text Classification


Text classification for 20 newsgroup data

Text classification is a way to assign predefined labels to text. Text classifiers can be used to organize, structure, and categorize any kind of text – from documents, files, and all over the web.

Data set:

The 20 Newsgroup data is the collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, divided into 20 different newsgroups. The dataset contains 20 files one document from each group. The 20 newsgroups the collection has become a popular data set for experiments in text applications of machine learning techniques, such as text classification and text clustering.

The groups are:  





        comp.windows.x rec.autos



        rec.sport.hockey sci.crypt




        misc.forsale talk.politics.misc


        talk.politics.mideast talk.religion.misc



Project code:


Importing the necessary libraries numpy, pandas, seaborn, and matplotlib for data processing and visualization.

For the data set, I have imported the file from sklearn datasets which has some most commonly used datasets in machine learning using fetch feature.

After loading the dataset, I have divided and loaded the train and test data.



After loading the data as train and test data, I Displayed all the News Groups in the dataset as categories.

To visualize the data I have used len function to see the train and test data.


After that, I have calculated the frequency of words in both train and test data and plotting the frequency and its corresponding News Group category for the train and test data set

Graph for the frequency of words vs categories(Newsgroups) in Training Data set:


Similarly for test data: 

Graph for the frequency vs newsgroups in train data set:

Data Pre-processing:

It is one of the most important steps in data mining. It makes the dataset better and usable.

For Preprocessing, I flattened both the train data and test data from a 2D array into a 1D array.

As a next step, I used Count vectorizer to create tokens and build a vocab using train data and fit it with test data as well. Count vectorizer is used to convert a text document into a vector of tokens.

Then I used Tf-Idf transformer to prioritize the unique words in the vocab. Tf-Idf evaluates how relevant a word is in a document.


There are several machine learning text classification algorithms. In this project I tried to implement 4 algorithms and see how it works for our dataset.
Algorithms used:

1) Naïve Bayes: Naïve Bayes is one of the most used algorithms in text classification and text analysis. N
aive Bayes is based on Bayes’s Theorem, which helps us compute the conditional probabilities of the occurrence of two events, based on the probabilities of the occurrence of each individual event. So we’re calculating the probability of each tag for a given text, and then outputting the tag with the highest probability.


The probability of A, if B is true, is equal to the probability of B, if A is true, times the probability of A being true, divided by the probability of B being true.

This means that any vector that represents a text will have to contain information about the probabilities of the appearance of certain words within the texts of a given category, so that the algorithm can compute the likelihood of that text’s belonging to the category.

Classification report for Naive bayes:
Actual target values and predicted values:

Confusion Matrix:



2)Support Vector Machines(SVC)-Support Vector Machines (SVM) is another powerful text classification machine-learning algorithm, because like Naive Bayes, SVM doesn’t need much training data to start providing accurate results.

SVM draws a line or “hyperplane” that divides a space into two subspaces. One subspace contains vectors (tags) that belong to a group, and another subspace contains vectors that do not belong to that group. Those vectors are representations of your training texts, and a group is a tag you have tagged your texts with.


3)K Nearest Neighbour’s(knn)- KNN algorithm that is we consider the K-Nearest Neighbors of the unknown data we want to classify and assign it the group appearing majorly in those K neighbors. this is the main idea of this simple supervised learning classification algorithm.

The major problem in classifying texts is that they are a mixture of characters and words. We need a numerical representation of those words to feed them into our K-NN algorithm to compute distances and make predictions. One way of doing that numerical representation is a bag of words with tf-idf(Term Frequency - Inverse document frequency).We will have a feature vector of unlabeled text data and its distance will be calculated from all these feature vectors of our data set. Out of them, K-Nearest vectors will be selected and the class having maximum frequency will be labeled to the unlabeled data

For the K nearest neighbor classification I have taken the k value as 3.


4) Logistic Regression-  Logistic regression is used to describe data and to explain the relationship between one dependent binary variable and one or more nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio-level independent variables.


I have fitted the model and calculated the classification report and confusion matrix for all the algorithms.


As we see logistic regression has the highest accuracy i.e., it performs better classification for the given text data.



I initially started with an idea to perform classification using any one machine learning algorithm but while I started exploring the data I wanted to see how this data performs for different algorithms and hence I implemented 4 different classification algorithms. I tried using functions like count vectorizer and tf-idf for pre-processing of the data. 


Challenges Faced and Experiments:

Understanding the data set and the initial proceedings were a bit difficult. I read a lot about text classification and what machine learning algorithms can be used for machine learning. Once I found the initial structure of the model the next task was to implement it. When it comes to text the main problem was tokenizing and vocab building but I later read about count vectorizer and tried to implement it in my model. For implementation, the main problem was how I can clearly state my results and then I used a classification report and confusion matrix. I also showed predicted results vs actual results which gives us an even better understanding of the model.


GUI Sketch:

Initial page

Enter the text to be classified:


Project Proposal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6OJOT2lglHRpNxxqkQNuH-E6tP_aHNl/view?usp=sharing

GUI Sketch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17UBGUto73jhQNuyvOvPkWatubMrth5fC/view?usp=sharing

Notebook:  https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ZMtVzIxe2ZpNgKWppNH8CLPHLQdPwj_R?usp=sharing

Youtube Video Link: https://youtu.be/cmgYYlZroGc

Data Set:  https://www.kaggle.com/crawford/20-newsgroups





